Friday, March 15, 2019

Day 58 March 12 Tuesday

Breakfast club day so off to the J & M cafe across town, got there around 8:30. Had a nice breakfast and then back to GVP for WVB.  We played our usual game till noon then Hot Tub time and home for a light lunch before heading out to El Patron for the Tuesday Happy Hour that a few of the WVB’ers got to now.  It’s quite a ways east on Florida and as it turned out only 4 others were there.  The Margarita’s are $4.75 and pop is $2.50.  We had a good time then home for a light supper after which I went out to play Hand & Foot at the clubhouse. Sheila stayed at the RV while I had fun playing with 3 ladies and regaling them with my witty comments etc. Home after the game and early to bed.  All this fun and activity is tiring me out.

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