Saturday, March 30, 2019

Day 73 March 27 Wednesday

I got up as usual for my morning coffee & breakfast, (usually cold cereal with milk on the warm mornings), and got ready to go to WVB.  Sheila got up early as well to try her newfound permission to play WVB.  When I got up to the pool I saw that they were only playing in one pool with a couple of people sitting out on the entrance steps.  The second pool had no heat on & was cold.  So the set up is you rotate as usual then after your turn serving the other side serves & when they lose the serve, you rotate out & you sit out on the entrance steps & one person on the steps comes into the game in your place.  This happens every time you serve as soon as the other side loses the serve you sit out and someone comes into the game in your position while the new server rotates into the serving position.  So you are never sitting out long, just the length of two sets of servings. I hope that makes sense.  It was slightly overcast & a bit cooler in the morning but brightened up & was sunny & warm for the afternoon.  After the morning session ended at noon we hit the hot tub, but Sheila wanted to play in the 1 PM game so we came home, made a quick lunch & Sheila went back up to the pool.  She said she had a fun time and enjoyed it even more than the a.m. because it was sunnier and she got more play because there were fewer players.  I went out to get milk & returned to the RV for R & R & computer work, (looking up what’s on TV this evening as well as blog writing).  We had set up a dinner out with Judy & Larry and they said they were happy with “The Steer & Stein”, my favourite restaurant with the 16 ounce steaks.  We arrived got out table & ordered dinners.  The place filled up rapidly and we had a nice time eating.  I gave Sheila a slice of my steak and finished the rest with only about ½ the baked potato to take home.  I also ate all the salad that came with the meal.  At the end of the meal we had a problem getting out bill.  The waitress seemed to be extremely busy and took forever to get us the bill & then never returned to take our credit cards.  We finally got our bill paid & left.  We went over to Larry & Judy’s Park Model for some hands of Bridge before returning home where we watched a little TV then bedtime.

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