Sunday, March 17, 2019

Day 62 March 16 Saturday

We got up to sun again; I think the summer has arrived here for sure.  We had a lazy morning because the Pool party is this afternoon and the pool area is closed 7 AM to 11:30 AM for set up of the stage etc.  I went up just after 11:30 and got a good seat in front of the stage across the pool.  The regulars are playing WVB while everyone else is watching & listening to the group.  They did some great music to start with; I knew all the songs & music they played.  Sheila was late arriving so missed the first ½ hour or so.  The Mexican restaurant El Patron was serving food & Sheila got a plate which was enough for us both.  It came with salsa & it was way too hot for Sheila and even I found it a bit much so I stopped having it.  I think I am losing my tolerance for highly spiced food.  What’s next? – Pabulum for all meals?  Anyway we had a great afternoon and came back to the RV to relax in the sun.  Sheila took a nap and I just vegged out in the comfy passenger side recliner chair.  Tonight after supper we tried to watch a DVD movie we brought down with us, but couldn’t get the movie to play.  All that came on was the cast & director talking about the movie, not the movie itself.  I was feeling tired so I went to bed early, (10:00 p.m.)  Sheila stayed up to watch some TV

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