Monday, March 11, 2019

Day 55 March 9 Saturday

Mix of cloud & sun so off to WVB followed by a short hot tub & then the pool patio where they have music playing and a portable BBQ offering hot BBQ’ed meat on a bun.  Sheila had come up for the last 15 minutes of the WVB game as her perm was OK to get wet now.  We split a bun with BBQ beef heaped on it--it was good, and listened to the musician playing music for a while.  Sheila, while sitting at the table managed to jam her right big toe against the heavy metal table leg & split her toe nail.  She went back to the RV to bandage it then came up to play in the afternoon WVB as it was a nice sunny day.  She’ll see a nail salon to see if they can fix it later but may have to go to a doctor to get it cleaned and properly bandaged up.  She seemed to be playing WVB no problem in the afternoon so maybe a simple bandage is all it needs.  It’s not hurting either.  However, the nail shop said they couldn’t fix it properly, she should see a Doctor to get the nail cut & cleaned out & bandaged properly.   She has an address for an urgent care clinic that is open Sundays.  Around 4 PM we headed out to Abby’s CafĂ© on east Florida that was recommended by Jim & Cindy of WVB.  Found it & it is quite nice, tasty food & reasonable to cheap prices, but right at the east end of Florida, so it’s a long drive. Then, it was back to the Historic Theatre for Jim Curry’s “John Denver tribute show”.  It was great!  The group was Jim Curry and his wife on guitar plus with a pianist, flute player & a mandolin/banjo player.  They did great John Denver music.  We really enjoyed it!  I bought one of his CD’s & in talking to his wife, found out that they will be in White Rock in early April, the 6th I think.  We will still be here but, if there are any John Denver fans reading this, or your friends are, tell them it is a great show!  We also discovered a place to RV to someday.  Aspen Colorado has a John Denver Memorial garden with lyrics to his songs etc embossed on rocks.  They had a movie of it playing behind them on a screen while they performed.  We want to go there, but it will have to be summer as it is a ski resort & up in the mountains.  After the show we came back to GVP & stopped in at the Fringe Street dance going on in the ballroom to see what they were playing.  We stayed about 10-15 minutes; we weren’t impressed with their selections at the time as they had moved from 50/60’s music to disco stuff.  Then, back home to our cosy RV.

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