Thursday, March 14, 2019

Day 57 March 11 Monday

It was very overcast this morning, there was no wind but I decided to skip WVB, so did Sheila.  (I think I’m still trying to recover from Daylight Saving Time clock roll-forward).  The mid-morning temperature is now in the upper 40’s F, (8-9 C).  We are finally getting forecast temps in the high 60’s & 70’s F, (20 +C), for later in the week.  After a trip to Winco to get a few items, we had a lunch of last night’s leftovers.  Then, we relaxed until it is time for the St Patty’s Day event tonight starting at 4:30 PM.  It is fully catered as was last night’s dinner with all beverages, beer & wine only, (no spirits), provided, I hope they have some pop. We got into out green gear and headed out. We found our table and they do have pop. so no problem. They had people telling Irish jokes & singing as entertainment. Then the M.C. called out that if you had someone at the table “over 85”, your table could go up. A couple more calls & they hit “over 79” so away our table went, (I was the only one over 79).  We had a nice meal of corned beef, potatoes, green beans, Irish soda bread (which was really good), and a salad that I didn’t take any of as it was mostly cucumbers.  For dessert, they had some chocolate éclairs that were filled with the most delicious cream.  They said there was more food if anyone wanted extra.  I was full from the main course but I could manage another éclair so I got one for me & one for Sheila, then, towards the end of the evening when they announced there were leftovers, she went up & got a half dozen pieces of the Irish soda bread & 2 éclairs which we brought home. And someone at the table couldn’t eat her éclair so I got it – nummy!  They closed with the singing of Danny Boy.  We came home about 7:30 and I worked on our expenses excel account and Blog while Sheila recorded today’s activity and calories consumed.  Then at 10 pm, we watched “Bull” on TV.

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