Sunday, March 24, 2019

Day 67 March 21 Thursday

The day still looked a bit overcast but there was sun breaking through so I went up for WVB.  The sun periodically came & went & I had a good game.  Sheila stayed home again because her cyst has not yet healed and she’s not supposed to return to the pool until it does.  I walked back to the RV & got there just as it started to rain a bit.  It slowed after an hour & a ½.   I made myself lunch of last nights leftovers.  Sheila went up to do laundry. I looked up tonight’s TV options.  When Sheila came back we went out to Emilio’s for Happy Hour, (It runs 3 to 6 offering ½ price $3.50 margarita’s - although my root beer is $3.25 – and ½ price appetizers that are really good and one plate is enough for 2 of us).  We drove back home & Sheila stopped for ice cream to top off a frozen dessert tart we had.  Also we finished off the supper leftovers from yesterday.  Then it’s up to the clubhouse for Mexican Trains, followed by one of our TV shows “For the People” if we are back in time.  We had lots of fun at Mex Trains although we both lost our quarter, there were a lot of people there and we got back in time for our TV show.

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