Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Day 63 March 17 Sunday

Today we went up to the Elks Lodge for their Sunday brunch, (served 9 to noon).  We met Larry & Judy there at 9.  It was a very nice brunch, made to order omelettes with about a dozen choices for add-ins, one of which was crabmeat, although the imitation one it is still good.  Coffee/tea were included, OJ was the only extra, plus they had  nice warm buns, bacon, ham, an Italian sausage, hash browns, corned beef hash, 3 salads—potato, fruit and crab, fresh-baked cinnamon buns, as well as several salsa/guacamole toppings.  I only got halfway through before I was full and the cost was only $10!  Unfortunately, there’ll only be one more brunch next week as the couple that has been providing food for the Hemet Elks functions is quitting and no one seems to know what is happening in the future.   After that we came back to play WVB till noon.  I didn’t need any lunch, just a cool drink. After the “lunch” break Sheila was feeling tired & lay down for a nap.  I decided to check out my tire inflating equipment so I took it out & hooked it up. It worked perfectly and is just what I wanted for our tires. After we went out to the 99 cent store as I needed some AAA batteries and a cpl other things.  Back at the rig I had some more of out Spud night leftover potatoes with a chilli & corn mixture over them, mmm good.   We’ve been doing really well with the leftover food from the set meals we’ve been getting at events lately and it’s been mostly our own meals that we couldn’t finish.  Other food has been leftover at the event where they announced there was extra food & if anyone wanted it, help yourself. After supper I went up to the clubhouse to play Pegs & Jokers.  We had a table of 6 so we made up 2 teams for 3 games.  I was on the winning team for 2 of the games.  Then back to the RV about 9:30.  Sheila didn’t feel like playing the game so she stayed to watch TV and catch up on the blog that she proof reads for me and adds bits of her own. 

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