Friday, March 8, 2019

Day 52 March 6 Wednesday

Yup, we got rain, it started at night & kept going all night steadily, and off & on through the morning into the afternoon.  Sheila went out for a hair perm appointment at 11:30 AM so isn’t expected back for least 3 hours or so, I am back at the RV puttering around etc. and planning supper.  Tonight we have the concert at GVP “Tribute to Classic Soul & Motown”. Our seats were front row center and I loved it.  The group, “Stone Soul” were 8 men, 3 on brass, (2 sax & one trumpet), one bass guitar, one treble guitar, a double keyboard player, a drummer, & a singer.  They played solidly from 7 to almost 9 and I don’t know how the singer survived, he was movin & groovin all the time and singing very enthusiastically. It was loud up front & I could feel the music, I was in heaven, Sheila wasn’t too thrilled with the volume.  Sheila has decided that, in future, even though she really likes the music that the tribute groups GVP brings in to play, she won’t pay $40 US to have her ears assaulted even when she’s wearing sponge &/or Kleenex ear plugs!   Almost 100 % of the songs I knew and really liked, best concert I have been to in a long time, I hope they have them back next year!  Paul & Yvonne went to a movie “The Favourite” which got the Oscar for best female actress. It ran later than the concert so we didn’t see them that night to see what they thought of the movie.  I had read the synopsis of it and I didn’t think I would like it.  Sheila still wants to go. 

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