Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Day 48 March 2 Saturday - A lazy day

Well, it rained all night so we slept in, thanks rain!  After a nice bacon & eggs breakfast I went out on errands.  I need gas in the car & money in my wallet plus assorted bits & pieces we needed.  The weather started to clear & was sunny but then a few minutes of light rain would occur, a good day to be inside relaxing.  So we did.  The temperature stayed reasonable so we didn’t need the furnace at all, we just ran the propane heater a bit.  We had grilled cheese sandwiches and Sheila’s left over soup from the Elks Dinner Dance on Friday.  The soup was called Chicken Pot Pie; it was thick & perfectly named, lots of chicken & really good.  We discovered that it is a commercially canned soup, we though it was homemade.  We will keep a lookout for it and bring some home if we find it, although it may be canned for commercial operations and sold wholesale in large quantities.

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