Saturday, March 16, 2019

Day 60 March 14 Thursday

Yahoo ! A sunny day again, it looks like we are back to normal weather here.  I heard some one in the WVB game saying that the news said that for the first time in 150 years LA did not have a 70 degree temperature day in the month of February.  Anyway warm weather is here now and fortunately we have enough tan to not burn, although Sheila still uses sun tan lotion.  I use it every so often but only on my face.  I came back to the RV after hot tubing and Sheila went up for the 1 PM game.  Today I had a good day in the game; I hit what came to me and I missed hardly any. Back to RV for lunch.  Sheila went up for the 1 PM game & had a good game. I relaxed in the RV on the nice warm afternoon. Sheila came home, and then we went out to get more milk.  The big 4 litre, (1 gallon down here), bottles do not fit in the fridge well – they go in but take up too much space and have to be fitted into a corner. The ½ gallon ones fit on the door which is very convenient as we take it out every day.  So, seeing as we were out & it was supper time we took our coupons for the Panda Express and got an order each. We both ended up bringing about half of it back home.  So for $20.00 we have 4 meals.  Back at the RV I checked the TV schedule and we watched about 2 hours of some on our favorite shows before bedtime.  It doesn’t really matter if we see them or miss them as they are all recording at home anyway.

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