Sunday, March 17, 2019

Day 61 March 15 Friday

The sunny weather is here! It was up to 60 F before 10 AM.  I went off to the morning WVB and had lots of fun.  It was quite a gusty wind so that played tricks on the ball & added to the fun.  Hot tub after then home for lunch of the leftover Panda Express from yesterday, I was full with just my leftover half.  It’s time for R & R in the sun this afternoon then Mocktails night tonight.  As of 4 pm it is now 80 F in the RV with doors & windows open & the ceiling fan on low, wonderful!  It was a crowded evening at Mocktails as it is the first really nice weather Friday.  I was in shorts & short sleeve shirt till 8 PM & didn’t fell at all cold, mind you they did have the gas heaters out but even walking back to the car with our chair it was not the cold that we have felt at 8 PM on previous nights. We watched a movie on TV, the “Men in Black II” that was no where near as good as the first, same cast but not a good story line & not well done.  

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