Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Day 64 March 18 Monday

The weather is improving very quickly, it hardly goes below 50 F at night & is much warmer in the morning, this morning it was 55  F at 9:15 & 60 F when I left for WVB about 10:15.  At GVP there have been some staff changes other than a new manager and they don’t seem to have the previous reliable people to work on the swimming pool temperatures.  Some days, (not every day just once in a while), one pool will be way cooler than it should be & the other one way hotter, almost approaching hot tub temp.  I am quite happy with the warm pool but don’t like the cooler ones.  After WVB I came back home for lunch, Sheila didn’t go to WVB today, she didn’t sleep well.   I think she is losing her tolerance for hot & cool temperature fluctuations in the RV, (hot in the day & cool to cold at night).  She wants the heat on and then she wants the A/C on.  She likes to have the bedroom A/C on to cool it down for sleeping. These morning we only run the furnace a short time as it is usually into the 60’s F inside the RV when we get up.  The RV holds the heat from the night before and doesn’t get down to outside temps.  We went out for supplies in the afternoon.  Having a small RV sized fridge means more grocery trips than at home.  We took a lazy day off & just stayed at the RV in the evening. 

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