Monday, April 1, 2019

Day 75 March 29 Friday

We are back to “normal” weather here, sunny & warm days.  It’s usually in the low 60’s or maybe 59 F in the RV when I wake up so a short shot of the furnace & we are up to 70 degrees F quite quickly.  Then that’s it for heat for the rest of the day until well into the evening and then our propane heater & a little of the electric heater is all we need till bedtime.  Sheila definitely feels the cold & heat faster than I do, she’s either gets a bit too cool or a bit too warm while I am fine.  I went up for WVB and Sheila arrived about ½ hour or so before the end.  I sat in the hot tub but she went back to the RV for lunch & to get changed & back for the 1 PM game if enough people show up.  She likes the 1 PM game because there are usually only 4, 5, or 6 to a side & she gets lots of play action.  While she played I had my lunch, (the leftover from the Hawaiian BBQ), and then I went out for a small grocery trip.  I got back at about 3 PM & no Sheila yet, so she must have gotten into a game.   She did, & got home around 3:30 or so. We lazed around & then I loaded the chairs in the car & drove up to the Mocktails Friday evening event, (6 to 8), at the pool plaza patio.  I got a front seat table, held one seat for Sheila and as people asked I said sure join us.  I think we ended up with a table of us plus 6. The music was great as usual & we danced a few numbers.  Sheila also went up for a few line dance numbers.  She picks up the dance steps quickly so looks like an expert very fast.  I came back home about 8:30, Sheila stayed to look some stuff up on the computer at the clubhouse where she has room to write stuff down on her left side. She arrived home just for the start of “Blacklist” at 9:00.  Then we watched the news.  With L.A. being such a car orientated city a lot of news is often about traffic problems.  Last night a multi car crash on the I-5 freeway blocked both north & south lanes for hours resulting in huge line ups of cars, the crash was only on one side but the emergency vehicles, (police etc), were on the other side of the median so that side was blocked as well.  I would not want to live here where I had to commute in & out of the city daily. In the past I have driven the I-5 through L.A. on route to San Diego and it is not fun!

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