Sunday, April 7, 2019

Day 82 April 5 Friday

Today started out a little cloudy but inside the RV it was in the low 60’s F when we got up so it wasn’t cold.  I went up for WVB arriving about 10:30 just as they got enough to split into 2 pools.  We had 5 a side for a bit then more people arrived & we went to 6 a side, which works really well.  Sheila arrived but got the “white” chip out of the chip holder so she was in the other pool; I was in the “blue” chip pool. It clouded over during the game but the slightly cool wind didn’t blow very hard at all, so no problem.  After the game & hot tub we came home for lunch and then relaxed for a few hours till it was time to head out to the Elks Friday Dinner Dance at 5 PM. We arrived about 5:20, got our table & ordered.  I had the ‘All You Can Eat’ soup & salad bar ($9).  It’s not a giant choice but good enough if I am not too hungry. They have a lettuce and another green mix, plus add-ins of sliced onions, beets, olives, chopped eggs, sliced mushrooms, tomatoes, sliced carrots with 3 dressings, and one was 1000 Island which I had – I managed 3 salad plates full.  Sheila ordered the New York steak with baked potato, ($14), but she wanted the mashed potato with gravy that came with the Ground Sirloin, ($12).  The Elks had just changed caterers a few days ago, so this was the first big event for them.  She was away from the table when her order came out, - you can guess, she got the ground sirloin with her mashed potatoes.  She was eating away when they brought someone else at the table’s dinner, (there were 9 people at the table).   He got the NY steak with baked potato but he had ordered the ground sirloin with mashed potato.  Too late to switch the meat as Sheila was ½ way through the ground sirloin. She went around the table to talk with him and all was OK as is.  We made sure the waitress changed our bill to $12 from $14; don’t know about the other dinner because he would have ordered the $12 dish.  There was also a complimentary dessert but with full meals only – I ended up with one, it was nice. The music was good, (Rhonda & Showdown.)  Sheila did 3 line dances & we danced to only 4 or 5 songs--I was feeling tired!  We left after the 50/50 draw around 9 & and stopped at Stater Brothers enroute home for milk & a cpl of other items.  Finally home after another busy day.  Sheila watched an hour of TV while I did the blog.

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