Friday, April 12, 2019

Day 88 Thursday April 11

Nice & calm in the morning & sunny with a little cloud cover so off to WVB.  I seemed to be uncoordinated today & missed a lot of balls I should have been able to get.  Sheila eventually joined the game, (just one pool today again as more people leave for home, although we did have 9 or 10 to a side still). After the game, hot tub & shower, its lunch time.  The large RV club group that’s here all week has had music & a fancy hot dog/taco stand, Dog O Dog, up all week, so we have had music the last half hour while we play.  I keep forgetting to take my wallet up as some of the hot dogs they have sound good.  After lunch we relaxed till time to go to Emilio’s for Happy Hour at 3 PM.  Sheila tried a blended Mango Margarita, but did not like it as well as their Strawberry one.  Today is the last GVP Happy Hour of the season.  We are down to 8 & some will be gone by next Thursday--us for example.  En-route back home, we stopped at the 99 cent store for some groceries.  Then its home to relax, watch TV, & I need to make a list of stuff needing to be done before we move the RV & pull out, either Mon or Tues.

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