Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Day 86 Tuesday April 9

Today is our final Breakfast Club event.  With people leaving we were down to 7 people and we usually get around a dozen or more.  We went to the Little Pantry on State St. near Menlo St. Today is propane delivery day, so I got back from breakfast about 09:45 & I’m waiting for him.  Propane truck arrived & was finished up by 11:35 so no WVB today.  We took 11.9 USG of propane, so there was about 2 USG in the tank because it holds a fraction over 14 USG when totally empty.  While waiting for him I checked our battery water levels, (2 that do the coach lights etc at 6 volts each & one engine starting battery at 12 volts), they were fine, didn’t need topping up at all.  Sheila came back from WVB & said they had one pool with 9 to 10 a side but with the wind blowing it really affects the light beach balls and they are hard to judge where they are coming down so you can hit them. Sheila went back up to the pool area after lunch to do a wash while I rested, relaxed, & read my book.  We had leftovers from our restaurant meals for supper and stayed in to watch TV, read etc. A lot of wind in the evening & into the night, the 11PM news said a lot of damage in LA from falling trees & branches, plus power outages & blown transformers.  We are in a valley so don’t get the full force but still we get 15 MPH more or less winds.

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