Friday, April 12, 2019

Day 87 Wednesday April 10

Still windy when we got up but it calmed down enough that I went up for WVB and Sheila followed.  It gusted a lot periodically changing the path of the ball in mid flight.  It has stayed fairly windy all day.  After WVB we came home for lunch and then Sheila went out to look at the display rigs in the Tiffen RV club that came in over the last 2 days and maybe sit in the sun or go on the computers in the clubhouse.  I went outside & unhooked the SPECTRUM internet system I had installed, (rented), & bagged it for return.  Then I did a Winco shopping. I returned & Sheila was still out inspecting giant “A” Class motor homes, some with a MSRP over $400,000!   She did like one or two--too bad, she’s not getting one!  I went down to Spectrum & returned my internet equipment, no problem, then came home to have supper. After supper, we stayed around the RV, watching TV & taking life easy.  The winds died down just after supper time so hopefully the wind will be mostly gone by tomorrow morning.

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