Monday, April 1, 2019

Day 76 March 30 Saturday

I got up to sunny weather, Sheila is sleeping in today, (as usual, what’s new about that!!!).  I’m off to WVB. We had a good game, Sheila showed up after the game when I was in the hot tub.  She was planning on playing in the 1 PM game and wanted to have some lunch at the patio, (Chuey’s Mexican Restaurant was there) and listen to the music.  They had the musician from last night playing--he has a really good voice, has researched the songs he sings & often gives lots if interesting info on the song and the singer who made it popular.   Sheila had a fish taco and when I arrived I had the Chilli Relleno dish.  It was good.  After Sheila went to play WVB I sat & listened to the music till it finished at 1:30.  Then I changed to a seat in the pool area so I could watch Sheila play. I just relaxed in the sun till the game finished about 3 PM and waited for Sheila to have her shower & dress, and then we went home.  We didn’t feel like making a supper so went out to the nearby KFC to see if they were still offering a buffet.  Yes, they are.  Seniors are only $7.79 including drinks and they have even more extras over & above chicken than they had a year ago..  I concentrated on chicken.  But I am sad to say my body is betraying me I had ONLY 4 pieces of chicken and very little else, (4 pieces of jello, a spoon of nibblets corn & a spoonful of the chicken Lasagne, with a cup of Root Beer),  and I was full.  Sheila had only one large piece of chicken, so she had salad, coleslaw, chicken stew, mashed potatoes, a spoonful of chicken pot pie, cherry cobbler & some canned peaches for dessert!  We came back to the RV, Sheila went to look stuff up on the clubhouse computers & I worked on the blog.   Sheila came back and we checked movies on TV.  On the PBS channel she saw “Of Mice & Men”, a Steinbeck classic 1939 movie listed, so we turned it on, not my kind of movie though, so I stopped watching it about ¾ thru.  Sheila watched it to the end, but was not impressed with the ending, as it just stopped without showing what happened to the main character, much like many modern movies are doing!

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