Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Day 77 March 31 Sunday

Sunny & warm to hot, it is already at 58 F by 10 to 9 AM.  Clear skies, no cloud at all.  I’m off to WVB, I don’t know Sheila’s plans.  She showed up at the end almost of the morning game, she wanted to find out if there was a 1 PM game which she would then play.  After Hot tub time I came back to RV for lunch with Sheila, & about 1:15, Sheila left for the 1 pm WVB game. They were full & playing with even numbers so Sheila went out for some 99 cent store items, and when she got back to the pool at 2:30, someone was just leaving so she replaced them.  Today is Bridge club night but no one had signed up, so we talked to Judy & decided to just go their house & play.  We made supper at our place for us, then Sheila washed, cored & cut up some fresh strawberries to take for dessert after the Bridge game--Judy has ice cream.  We had a pleasant evening. We played 5 hands & then switched partners.  Judy keeps the score & adds up at the end to see what order we are in.  Sheila & Judy quite often come out on top, 1st & 2nd, but tonight I had the top score. 

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