Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Day 85 Monday April 8

Today is forecast to be well over 80 F for, I think, the first time since we got here.  Up to WVB and Sheila followed after a bit.  We played in different pools again.  The coloured chip system they have for deciding which pool you go into is a good system & very fair to everyone but is does mean I don’t get to play with Sheila that much – luck of the draw!  They had music & a hot dog stand set up because there is a huge RV group coming into the park, around 200 units.  Sheila came back to the RV after the game & when I got back to the RV she had the main cabin A/C running – first time since we got here. We have used the bedroom A/C a cpl times to cool the bedroom when going to bed. She said it was over 88 F inside when she arrived back at the RV.  That’s over 32 degrees Centigrade for you young’uns. Sheila went up to see if there is a 1 pm game & if not, is going to look up stuff on the clubhouse computer, (air-conditioned and room to write on the left side of the computer).  There wasn’t a game so she used the computer but had to come home when she realized that she couldn’t go out to buy some supplies as she didn’t have her wallet & money with her.  Running the A/C is keeping the RV at about 84 F.  Sheila said that when she went out to the car, which had been sitting in the sun most of the morning it’s outside temperature was registering 102 F!  As she was driving, it went down to 92 F where it stayed the rest of the afternoon.  We had leftover Applebee’s food for supper & some is still left for the next day.  I relaxed around the RV inside & out and made good progress on the book “Nighthawk Crossing”.  Most of the evening games have stopped now due to the volunteer snowbirds running them leaving for home, (they come down in Oct or Nov so have been here 6 months).   

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