Saturday, April 6, 2019

Day 80 April 3 Wednesday

When I got up this morning about 8:30 or so the temperature in the rig was showing 71 F, I think that the furnace got left on last night although I didn’t hear it at night.  We didn’t use any of the propane heaters Tuesday evening so maybe it just stayed warm from yesterday’s heat.  I had an enjoyable WVB game, Sheila played as well but in the other pool.  Home for lunch & then Sheila is off to run errands etc while I read, relax & work on the computer.  We used some of our leftovers for supper then tried to watch a DVD movie.  It was a struggle getting it started, (mostly me not knowing which button to push) and then it would stop and just freeze up.  I got it going again and then it stopped again, probably quite close to the end I think, and nothing I did could start it so we just took it out & garbaged it.  It was a comedy so missing the ending was annoying but not a disaster. We’ll probably try another comedy for Thursday evening.  We watched the news & went to bed.  We don’t set the furnace to come on at all now as it stays reasonable all night and only requires a little heat in the morning as it is usually over 60 F in the RV by mid morning. 

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