Monday, April 8, 2019

Day 83 Saturday April 6

Up to sunny weather so off to WVB.  The park is emptying out fast as today we only had one pool playing with 10 a side.  They had a Mex restaurant, (Chuy’s) selling goodies & live music on the pool patio from 11:30 to 1:00.  We enjoyed listening to the musician in the pool while playing WVB.  At this point there was nobody at the patio tables, (it wasn’t quite even noon yet), and someone, (Gigi, Rays wife), said, lets give him a round of applause and when he finished the song he was doing at the moment and we did, lots of applause. After noon some people arrived to buy food.  After our game & hot tub we ordered two very small tacos for $3.00.  They were good but too small.  About 1:30 or so, we wandered home for R & R before the concert tonight.  We made a nice supper as Sheila had bought some Tilapia fish & asparagus.  We are going to the “Four Seasons & Frankie Vallie tribute concert, by December 63”, (the name of the group doing the show), at the Hemet Theatre starting at 7:00.  I remember them from the 60’s but wasn’t a big fan, Sheila was and really wanted to go, so of course we did, we bought tickets a month or more ago, good thing too. We got there just after 6:00 & there was a long line waiting for the 6:15 door opening, and a sign that said “Sold Out”.  We managed to get two aisle seats about 2/3’s back from the front.  Not bad, but closer would have been nicer.  It was a good show, all four guys had very good singing voices, were funny & boy could they move!  Sheila liked the second half better when they did their big hits and was up at the front dancing to most of them.  We got home about 9:30, so will watch TV, do dishes &/or relax & veg out for the rest of the evening.   

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