Sunday, April 14, 2019

Day 90 Saturday April 13

My last WVB day.  We got up to sun & clear skies & no wind, so far.  This year, besides the cold & rain from earlier, we have been getting a lot of wind--not strong, but gusty enough that we have rolled up the awning a few times.  It seems to start in the early afternoon until about supper, and then it’s over until the next day at noon.  In previous years we didn’t have to roll up the awning nearly as much as this year.  I’m really glad we have an electric awning, just push a button & in it comes, a one person job. After WVB we had lunch at the pool cabana where Chuey’s Mex café was preparing food.  I had the burrito, which costs $9.00 and was big enough to share with Sheila, it was a good deal.  Larry & Judy joined us for lunch and after lunch we went over to their place for a farewell game of Bridge. We played all afternoon from about 2:00 to 5:00--more or less.  We played 6 hands & then changed partners so everyone played with everyone.  I ended up with the top score.  We came back to the RV to drop me off to start organizing while Sheila went out to the Panda Express Chinese Food for an order of dinner for us using our coupon from the “Taste of the City” event earlier this year.  Then we will start organizing the inside of the RV to be ready to roll on Monday morning.  Supper was great, with our coupon it cost just $9.00 for dinner for both of us with a little left over.  I think I will not do too much tonight & get an early to bedtime so I’m rested for tomorrow.  Sheila phoned Donna’s friend Pauline for an update on how’s she’s doing.  She’s had several more tests at RCH and VGH hospitals & each time she had to stay overnight there so they could check there were no repercussions from the tests.  She still has two more to go, and then the specialists will analyze the data from the tests to determine what caused her severe headaches & the numbness in her left arm and plan treatment.  Fortunately, her son Patrick has come from Seattle and is supporting her.

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