Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Day 84 Sunday April 7

Sunny & hot & off to WVB. Both Sheila & I ended up in the same pool side by side as we had arrived close together.  After the game ended we stayed floating around in the pool talking with Judy Shaffer & another CDN couple Don & Gerri.  They are from Vancouver Island and have a trailer here 6 & 6, (that means they never move the trailer, it sits on their site all year and they can use it for 6 months and then vacate for 6 months, obviously they get a much lower rental rate when they’re not here.  It works for Canadians as we are only allowed to be in the USA for a total of 180 days in any 12 month period).  We came back to the RV for a lunch – the left-over Tilapia fish from yesterday and some Rice-a-roni.  We had arranged with Judy to go out with her & Larry for supper and a promised dessert treat on us for them.  We went to Applebee’s for supper then over to the Coldstream Creamery, (like the one we used to have at home).  We had great ice cream creations.  Larry & Judy insisted we use the $15.00 coupon they had won at GVP which just about paid for their ice creams anyway.  A good deal for us! After dessert we went back to their place for some Bridge.  We put our leftover dinners & ice-cream in their fridge. Tonight I actually came out on top after partnering with Sheila, then Judy. We all finished off our ice cream treats after the game and as it was a nice night we walked home, (equivalent distance of about 2 blocks).  Home by about 10 PM

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