Friday, April 5, 2019

Day 79 April 2 Tuesday

Up & off to Polly’s Pies for our weekly Breakfast Club meeting. Besides breakfast Polly’s pies is famous for cinnamon buns & pies.  Sheila ordered a breakfast that came with a cinnamon bun and brought over half of it home, (they are about 8 inches across & thick).  We came back home, changed & went up for WVB.  After the game I hot tubbed for a short time then Sheila & I came home & she changed to go up for the 1 PM game while I went to play in Judy’s Tuesday afternoon Bridge game/lessons.  I stayed till about 3:30.  The last hand is worth mentioning Judy & Sue bid 7 No-trump and playing against Larry & me, they made it.  They had 36 points between them, all Larry & I had were 2 Jacks & 1 Queen.  Back at the RV, I found out that Sheila had not played in the afternoon WVB game cuz only 2 other people showed up--there was a variable breeze blowing that would have been troublesome.  It had been building and did affect the morning game a bit, but it was stronger in the afternoon.  As it was now about 4:30 we decided that seeing as today was Taco Tuesday we would go to the Elks where we could also check on Friday’s Dinner Dance.  We made reservations for Fri evening, had our Tacos & delicious dessert cake, and then came home.  The Karaoke seems to be going downhill.  There are some really bad singers and they keep coming, but most of the good singers of previous events seem to have disappeared except for one woman who sang “The Power of Love”.  Sheila said she was very good because it’s a difficult song to sing and she did it very well.  Back at the RV I spent the evening working on blogs, computer files, reading & watching TV while Sheila soaked her feet, applied ointment to her itchy legs, and did her totalling of calories eaten and daily activity during the TV commercials

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