Saturday, April 6, 2019

Day 81 April 4 Thursday

It was a bit cooler outside and cloudy this morning with a slight breeze blowing so I decided to skip WVB today and run some errands.  I went out to Winco then down to check the hours of Spectum which is where I have to return the internet stuff I rented back in January. I found they are open till 7 PM during the week and someone had said that they aren’t too busy around 4:30 PM.   Then, a quick shop in Wal-Mart for RV toilet paper and home.  I got back just before noon so stopped to see if Sheila needed a ride home.  She said the weather cleared to sunny and that she had a nice game. We then made a lunch of leftovers and waited for 2 PM to phone Sabrina to see how she was doing.  She has ups & downs but is persevering.  We told her we should be back by or on April 22, Erica’s Birthday, and that we would phone a day before we hit the border and once we are back in Canada. We then went out to the Happy Hour at Emilio’s.  Small group there, only 8, and it looks like next week will be the final Happy Hour get together what with everyone heading out for home or further travel in some cases.  Sheila & I shared a ½ price appetizer of nachos & cheese topped with a huge pile of shredded chicken on one half & shredded beef on the other half.  We both decided we preferred the beef to the chicken and will definitely order it the next time we go there.  It was a huge plate & filled us both up.  Back to GVP where I ordered a propane fill for next Tuesday, then we settled in for a quiet evening at home,  maybe a video & TV.  We didn’t need any supper as the appetizer we ordered at Emilio’s was big enough to feed us both.  We didn’t watch a video as TV is pretty good on Wed.—reruns of Mash + Whiskey Cavalier, a new show we both like.

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