Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Sun. Apr. 14 Day 94 Rain & showers off & on all day but clear, sunny & warm in Burlington

We pulled out of Kelso @ 10:45 @ 159481km.   Into a gas stop @ 12 noon @ 159577km, & out @ 12:15 PM.  Then we did a non-stop run to Camping World in Burlington arriving @ 2:40 PM @ 159788. Coming through Seattle on I 5 around noon on Sunday there was a traffic jam all the way through.  Why the hwy through downtown should be busy in the middle of a Sunday is a mystery.  At Camping World they have instituted some rules for staying here, 1 night if you are a Good Sam member, (unlimited if you are having work done).  As usual, some people spoiled it by staying several days & using it like a Wal-Mart free-parking lot, except it has power, plus water & a dump station are available on site.  Suits me fine! I used to worry that there won’t be space with people just pulling in or overstaying.  We went down to the Four Seasons Buffet for a lunch/dinner, it was great as usual.  Then we checked out Costco & Fred Meyer for some last minute groceries.  I discovered that the Costco here has the 2 year old Tillamook cheese and it is cheaper than at the factory in Tillamook!  There is a Costco in Bellingham that’s closer to the border, wonder if it has Tillamook cheese?  I filled the Focus with gas at Fred Meyer, and then we headed home to the RV for the night.  I looked at how much gas I put in since Hemet and it is just under $750.00 and right now I have about ¾ of a tank still.  Back at the RV, I tightened the screw on one of the bedroom blinds, (it was beginning to come down) and checked to see if I can replace the bulb in the microwave, (I can’t), so we’ll have to get C. World to do it.  Sheila went for a walk, phoned Judy Shaffer, and then organized the various items she’s bought for the girls.  It was a quiet, (no TV here) but productive evening for both of us.

Distance covered – 454km – 282mi

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Sat 13 Apr Day 93

Out "Old Stone Village" RV Park at 11AM @ 159183 and off down hwy 18 and a very winding hwy 22 through the forest to join hwy 101.  We pulled into the Blue Heron Cheese factory @ 12:45 PM @ 159295.  We had lunch there and bought a bunch of stuff. They had two guys playing guitar & singing who set up just behind our table, so it was a great lunch time.  Then, off to Tillamook Cheese Factory for cheese and finally back on the road at 2:05 @ 159297.  We came to a closed weigh scale which, in Oregon, is left on.  So we weighed the RV.  The front wheels showed 4550 lbs, and the back, 9550 lbs, so the total weight was 13,100 lbs.  We had ¾ tank of gas and the Grey/Black tanks would be about ½ full. Our GVW is 14,050 lbs. Of course we had excess cargo of 3 cases Cactus Cooler, several pounds of cheese and several bottles of alcohol. We pulled into the Kelso Elks at 5 PM @ 159481.  We reheated the leftover Casserole Italiano for supper and then I packed up the laptop and headed into the bar area to get WiFi which I couldn’t pick up in the RV.  Sheila followed a bit later after she’d done the dishes & spruced up a bit.  We spent the evening editing & blogging while Sheila finished a very potent drink, (called a “Watermelon”).  It is a mix of S. Comfort, Vodka, pineapple juice & grenadine.  (They were very generous with the booze!), and listened to the band in the next room that was playing for a Cancer Survivor Dinner.

 Distance covered – 298km – 185mi

Fri. Apr. 12 Day 92

After breakfast we walked over to the Air Museum because there is a path right from the RV Park to it.  It’s about a 10 min walk from the RV right to their door.  We got there at 10, and left at 5 PM.  I saw the Spruce Goose, (Howard Hughes giant 8 engine flying boat, built entirely of birch and canvas) which is amazingly huge seen  up close.  I took pictures of everything. They have a lot of very neat WW II planes – the P51 Mustang, the Corsair, a Messerschmitt ME 109, the jet Messerschmitt developed in 1945, a Spitfire, a P38 Lightning, a B17 Flying Fortress that you could go into, and many more, it was fascinating! When talking with the Docent at the B17 I learned some neat things,  - the wings of the B17 were partly covered in canvas to save weight and to repair them, DUCT tape was invented;  the expression “the whole nine yards” comes from the fact that the 50 calibre machine guns could only have limited ammunition, again for weight reasons, and the gunners had to use short bursts, therefore, the ammo belt that fed the machine guns was 9 yards long so if they ran out of ammo, they had shot, “the whole 9 yards”. They also said the 8th Air Force daylight bombing raids almost came to an end because of huge losses, (a third of the aircraft on each mission).  At that time, they had no fighter escort that could go the distance, then, they finally got the P38 and especially the P51 Mustang which could out fly the Messerschmitt. The B17 was a very sturdy aircraft and made it home with its crew after being very badly shot up.  There were some paintings in the museum that depicted the real incidents.   Besides the museum displays and aircraft we saw 2 Imax movies each—all to do with flying.  I will post pictures of some of the aircraft we saw.  After we got back to the RV, Sheila made her Casserole Italiano--delicious as usual.
 The Spruce Goose flight deck photos that I forgot to  add to the other shots below
The Wheatland ferry we couldn't get on.
 The B17 side view
A painting of a shot up B17 with the actual picture above after it landed.  Landing was a problem because the damage blocked the pilots vision but fortunatly the navigator who was up front but survived remembered the coordinates for the landing field.
 The B17
 The Messurshmitt
 The P38 Lightning
 The P51 Mustang
About the P51
This is a painting of an actual incident.  A badly shot up & defencless B17 trying to make it home to England.  A Messurschmitt escorted it for a long time and never attempted to shot it down.  The two pilots met many many many years later and the families became good freinds.  The German pilot said shooting it down would be like shooting a man in a parachute. 
 These 5 shots are of the Spruce Goose.  It is still the largest aircraft ever built, the wing span would overhang the end zone stands of a footbal field - even a Canadian field!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Thurs. Apr. 11 Day 91    clear & sunny, cooler as we go north

Sheila had a bad night with a coughing spell that kept her up most of the night so she left a note to let her sleep.  Check out time at 7 Feathers is 11 AM so I disconnected everything, (quietly), and was ready to go at a moments notice. I had asked for an extension on check out time but our spot was booked.  Sheila woke about 11:30 so we moved down to the rest area so she could dress & have breakfast.  We finally pulled out at 12:50 @ 158858.  We changed drivers at 2:45, and we made a rest area stop 3:20 to 3:30, then were off down the road.  Sheila pulled into a Pilot station to fill up @ 4 PM @ 159123 where I took over & were on the road again by 4:10 PM.  Then the GPS took us to the Wheatland ferry over the Willamette River.  It is a toll ferry, I had checked off “no toll roads” on the GPS. When we got there the toll was only a few dollars but after missing one and waiting for the return, (the river is only a few 100 ft across, probably half or less than the old Albion ferry), and it is a cable ferry pulled across by a suspended cable; the ferry attendant came to us & said we would bottom out going up the ramp to board & could wipe out our sewer hose connection underneath.  So we turned around and then I checked the GPS avoidances and found it has a “ferries” choice so I clicked “no” for that.  Now it routed us to a bridge but this delayed us so we got into the RV Park later than planned.  The ferry episode cost us from 4:20 to 4:35 plus a long round trip to the bridge, so we didn’t arrive at the RV Park until 5:30 @ 159183.   At the ferry the GPS had said it was 18 miles to the park, but once turned around, going via the ‘no ferries’ route it was 27 miles over the bridge and on rural roads, (good pavement but slow).  We were all hooked up & settled in for the evening by 6:00. We’ll be at the “Old Stone Village” RV Park 2 nights because tomorrow is the Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum day was they have the “Spruce Goose”.  By the way “Evergreen” is the man behind the museum, he started Evergreen Helicopters.  The museum was his son’s vision.  He was an ‘ace’ pilot who loved and wanted to preserve the WWII fighter planes.  Unfortunately he was killed in a car accident while still quite young, but his father brought his dream to fruition.

Distance covered – 325km – 202mi

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Wed. Apr. 10 Day 90    Sunny, clear & warm

Sheila headed out to the clinic this morning, I stayed with the RV.  I went up to the lodge to get on WiFi to check emails etc then back to the RV for lunch.  Sheila returned from her Dr. visit about 2 PM.  It was a L-O-N-G wait at both the clinic and the pharmacy.  The doctor, a young woman, (who looked barely old enough to have graduated high school), said she has Bronchitis too but as it begins as a viral infection, (not responsive to antibiotics) we’re assuming the antibiotics she prescribed for her are to prevent further complications.  Sheila’s not complaining as she just wants to feel healthy again & soon!  Sheila wanted to go on to 7 Feathers Casino, so we hooked up & pulled out of the Red Bluff Elks RV Park at 2:20 PM @ 158459km.  I had to stop in Weed CA for some gas to make it over the Siskiyou Pass. Into a Pilot stn in Weed @ 4:10 & out @ 4:25.  I only put in 15 gallons, just enough to ensure I get over the pass & into the next gas stop.  As we approached the pass the clouds got thicker & it started to rain lightly.  We passed the CA/OR border at 5:15 PM.  As we rolled down hill into Oregan, the rain stopped and the sun came out.  We stopped at a Pilot gas stn @ 5:50 PM @ 158749km, & were out again by 6 PM.  We arrived at 7 Feathers Casino RV Park @ 7:10PM @ 158858.  After we got parked & hooked up, we took the shuttle down to the casino for a $10.99 Buffet supper.  The buffet area here is quite small as buffets go, and because the booths are attractively arranged along the side of the room, with coloured subdued lighting it seems more like a fancy restaurant than a buffet.  Food was good; there was sufficient variety, though it’s not the bargain that the Hibachi Grill & Buffet in Hemet is.  We returned to the RV Park for a session in the hot tub and a nice shower.  We made it back to the RV just before 10 PM for my CSI show, & then route planning work before bed. 

Distance covered – 399km – 248mi

Tues. Apr. 9   Day 89   Sunny & clear

Sheila’s feeling a bit better this morning but still thinking she wants to see a Dr to get an antibiotic prescription. She did ask the campground host about the GPS mess & they said a lot of people have had a problem with it taking them way west; some even got taken north of the park – really odd.  So today, the plan is to get to the Elks Lodge RV Park in Red Bluff where we can stay a day or more at a flat $15.00 a night with power & water and have time to find a clinic in a reasonable sized town. We pulled out of Tulare at 10:10 @ 157899km.  Lunch break was at a rest area 12:20 to 1:05.  I pulled into a Flying J for gas at 1:35 and out 45 gallons later at 1:50.  We pulled off the road at Willows, exit 603, @ 4:25, 158384km, for the Wal-Mart and for supper at Nancy’s Airport Café, (we have been there before, it’s great).  Out again after supper @ 6:10 and on up to exit 649, the Red Bluff Elks, arriving @ 7:05 @ 158456.  Thanks to daylight saving time it is still full sun & daylight till after 7:30.  We went up to the lodge, paid our night & got instructions to an Urgent Care Walk-in Clinic nearby.  They closed at 7 but open at 9 am, so Sheila is thinking of going over in the morning.  We unhooked the car so it is ready to roll. Sheila had a $3 rum & coke in an Old Fashion size glass and she had to get more coke in it after drinking it down a bit.  The bartender lady made it by pouring rum & coke into the glass together until it was full.  A bit too much rum for Sheila.!  Sheila stayed to watch “Splash” & “DwS” on one of the bar TVs that was right in front of us--they gave her the remote so she could mute commercials & adjust the volume.  Other patrons were sitting at the other end of the U-shaped bar or at tables so she wasn’t disturbing anyone.  I came back to do trip planning etc.  Sheila arrived just after 10 when the bar closed.

Distance covered – 577km – 346mi  -  on the road driving 6 hrs 10 mins

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Mon Apr 8 Day 88      Heavy cloud & windy, periodic sprinkles at GVP in AM

We pulled out of GVP @ 157431km @ 10AM.  Up on Hwy 10 there was quite a strong wind.  We arrived at out gas stop in Boron at 12:25 @ 157603km and thanks to my RV Plus charge card we filled up the RV, (40 USG), and I put some gas in a can for the generator & away by 12:40. It really saves time not having to go into the station to have them set an amount then after I fill go back to get a receipt plus standing in line at the cashier each time. Then off westward on hwy 58.  We stopped at a rest area for lunch 12:50 to 1:25.  We were driving into a very strong headwind, then into low cloud.  I had the wipers on but the road was dry, we were driving through the moisture in the clouds at around 3000 ft elevation. With the head wind I had a hard time to keep us going at 45 mph, I periodically had to gear down to get it back up to 45mph.  Very few cars were passing me, the hwy warning boards were flashing, “high wind advisory, reduce speed, not recommended for trucks & campers”.  Finally, a few miles before we got to hwy 99 to turn northward we got back into calm weather & sun.  We had an RV park on the GPS but the GPS took us way out of the way and ended at a dirt field.  We made our way back to hwy 99 & the RV Park but the wrong direction probably cost us about 20 miles out of the way, I have no idea why.  One thing was that the address listed was on 200 Ave. and when we got to the park the street sign said Rankin Ave.  We arrived at the park at 5PM @ 157899km.   Sheila was feeling the worst yet and considered going to a Dr. for an antibiotic but we were late in the day arriving and most places were closed or only open for a short time.  She will see how she feels in the morning.

Distance covered – 468km – 291 mi

Monday, April 8, 2013

Sun Apr 7 Day 87      No temperatures because I rolled up the awning & the thermometer is now in the direct morning sun.
It was bit overcast in the morning but cleared to sun in the afternoon.  It was much like yesterday, maybe a bit warmer.   In the pool we started playing with 4 to a side and eventually got 7 to a side.  Back at the RV for lunch & then slowly putting stuff away, doing laundry, and getting the RV ready for the road. Without the awning to shelter one side we are running the A/C a bit to keep it under 80F/26½C inside. By the end of the afternoon we were both feeling tired so we went out for supper to Polly’s Pies.  Their house blend coffee was really good and they do their own roasting so I got a ½ lb to bring home.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Sat. Apr. 6 Day 86   59F/15C @ 9:15,   71F/21½C @ 2PM

Today they have the classic car show and a craft sale.  I went up for Volleyball while Sheila checked out the Craft Sale.    They either didn’t have a bake sale or sold out, (Sale started at 9 AM, Sheila got there around 10:50).  We played girls against boys again today, 8 men against 10 women. The men seemed to get more serves than the women so we won.  After the hot tub we had lunch at the Palms Cabana, (Anchor Pub & Restaurant) listening to Angela sing until 2 PM.  We split a Cobb Salad because they’re huge! Then it’s back to the RV to do some packing up etc for Monday morning’s departure.  I took down the awning and did the tire check on 10 tires.  Then, it was off to Winco for groceries & Kerns fruit juices etc. to take home. While I was out, Sheila had a short nap before getting our supper ready.  After supper, I was feeling tired so I lay down.  Sheila found a movie - Pride & Prejudice - on TV, so she’s watching it while I finalize our route home with options for overnight stops on MS Streets & Trips.


Fri. Apr. 5 Day 86   51F/10½C @ 9:45, 54F/12C @ 10:45, 61F/16C @ noon, 66F/19C @ 1PM

Very overcast in the morning but it cleared to sun by noon.  Sheila was not feeling up to Water Volleyball today, but I went up. Today we did a men VS women game with 8 women against 6 men.  It worked well; we didn’t keep score, of course, but seems to me that the men had longer serving sessions than the women and the women claim they had the ball more.  It was all great fun. Back at the RV I had lunch and did some housework while Sheila went into town to do some shopping etc.  When she returned, I was napping, so she made herself a sandwich and had a short nap also before GVP’s ‘flavoured wine’ tasting on the patio at 6 pm.  There were at least 12 different kinds of bottles on the shelf to try.  Most of them were sweet dessert wines of various kinds of fruit—blackberry, blueberry, cherry, plum, pomegranate, orange, triple berry etc., there was a saki which no one liked, and 4 chocolate & fruit flavour  wines which were more like  chocolate liquors than wines.
At 6:45 I left for Shuffleboard, Sheila stayed till 7:15 until she’d tried all the wines she wanted to, about 8 in all, and then returned to the RV to watched the last of Mon.’s DWTS tape & edit the journal.  I got back from shuffleboard about 8:30 & joined her watching TV. 

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Thurs. Apr. 4 Day 85    62F/16½C @ 9AM,   80F/26½C @ 1PM,

I went up for the game in the pool. Sheila still not back to normal, she arrived about 11:15 & played till noon.  She said that was enough to tire her out.  Back at the RV we made lunch for us & Larry, (Judy had to fly home yesterday due to a Family emergency).  I went out right after Water V.Ball and & bought a lemon meringue pie which we used as a birthday cake since it’s Larry’s birthday today, he was born on the 4th day of the 4th month in’44.  Afterwards, the three of us went to see “Oz the Great & Powerful” in 3-D.  It was a very enjoyable movie, though probably would have been just as enjoyable in regular format.  We came straight back to the RV instead of going out for supper because both Larry & myself were still full from lunch.  It must have been that extra slice of lemon meringue pie we both had! Sheila is getting a bite to eat, and then she is going over to Larry’s RV to watch the premiere of a new show called “Forever Young” that he taped for her.  (I’ve seen the trailers and--no thank you!).  Sheila thinks the concept on “under 30's” and “over 70’s” trying to live together & accomplish tasks together is a good one.  She says the show would have been better done as a situation comedy rather than as another reality show.

Wed. Apr. 3 Day 84    62F/16½C @ 9:30AM,  80F/26½C @ 12;30PM, 

I awoke feeling much better but Sheila is not, so she is skipping the water sports to stay home & rest.  I went up & had a good game.  When I got back for lunch she was a little better.  She is using my cough syrup which seems to help. Sheila went out to get her toe nail fixed after it came off, (that’s the toe that she tore the natural nail loose on, 2 years ago and now has to have artificial nails put on), & then she had her other toes  retouched.  We spent the afternoon lazing around the RV, napping, reading etc.  Then we had supper & watched TV in the eve.


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Tues. Apr. 2 Day 83        50F/10C @ 8:15AM,    62F/16C @ 10AM,     66F/19C @ 12:30PM.

I went out for the Tuesday Breakfast Club however. Sheila was running a slight temp and coughing and not feeling great so she slept in. I came back & she was up but decided to skip water volleyball, I went up to the pool and had a good game.  With people leaving we had one pool only but we had 8 to 10 on a side most of the game as people came and left.  Back at the RV Sheila seemed to be getting what I have so she wanted to go to a local clinic.  I reluctantly agreed to go even though I though I was slowly getting better, (very slowly though).  So after lunch we went to one clinic when we found one that would direct bill our insurance.  When we got there we discovered that our insurance has a deductable - $99.00.  So we decided that only I would go in to see the Doctor.  Turns out it is bronchitis type thing and I was given 2 prescriptions, one for the coughing plus an antibiotic.  The cough syrup has Codeine in it and works marvellously.  The antibiotic, 10 pills, I have to take for 10 days, 1 pill a day.  Back to the RV for supper then after which Sheila did R & R & watched DwS.  I went up to a room in the club house with Larry & Judy and Mel, (a water volley ball player), and we played Bridge for about 2½ hours, changing partners ever 6 hands. Then I came back to the RV to watch “Body of Proof”.  I already feel better after 3 shots of cough med, (supposed to be 1 tsp every 6 hours), & one antibiotic pill.

Mon. Apr. 1 Day 82    52F/11C @ 9AM,  55F/12½C @ 10:15AM,   60F/15½C @ noon   64F/18C ay 1:30PM

It is forecast for a cooler day with high only to the mid 60’s F, (high teens C), so I am going to skip Volley Ball today but Sheila went up to the pool.  I still have a cough & slight sniffles so I think I will stay in where it is warmer.  Sheila came back from the pool and we had her homemade chicken soup for lunch, it was very good, (we saved the bones from all the take out roast chickens we’d been eating and she did her usual magic with add ins).  After lunch we drove down to Richardson’s, an RV dealer for Jayco in Menifee but they didn’t have anything suitable at any price. I got some info and we came home.  We played bridge at Larry & Judy’s for an hour or so before supper time.  After supper Judy, Sheila & I went up to the Monday night crib match.  We just had enough for 3 tables.  I ended up tying for 3rd place so I got 50 cents back, Sheila came in 5th or 6th. Back at the RV Sheila watched the last half of DwS, (it is on our VCR tape here but we can’t record Hi-Def so it is not as clear as watching it on TV).   Then we watched a Castle episode which was a take off on “Rear Window” starring Jimmy Stewart.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Sun. Mar. 31st Easter Sunday  Day 81.    I forgot to check temp, but it’s like yesterday.

We got up sort of early to go to a church in Hemet that is putting on a special Easter presentation of the Easter Story – “Upon the Rock,” no service, just dialogue and singing in costume by the choir & the minister.  It was good.  We tried to be there by 10AM as they had a social gathering in the outdoor courtyard with coffee, cake/cupcakes with icing, and fresh fruit before the program.  Then, after the program, we came back out for more cake, fruit & drinks, (Kool-Aid type). It was all very pleasant on a nice warm morning.  Then, we returned to the RV to prepare for this afternoon’s Easter dinner in the ballroom.  GVP is providing a ham for 16 people, and we bring the other dishes.  Everyone signs up under a table # & lists what they want to bring so it all works out well.  Sheila made her yams in orange sauce that were popular, one lady asked for the recipe.  We brought back some yams & quite a bit of left over ham. We sat at a table with 6 other Canadians from Alberta & BC.  Larry & Judy sat near us at a table with 2 American ladies.  After a pleasant evening of good food & interesting conversation, we returned home for Sheila to watch TV—“Red Widow” etc.



Sat Mar 30 Day 80   60F/15½C @ 9:15AM,  62F/16½C @ 10AM,  77F/25C @ 12:30PM 

Off and away to Water Volleyball on another glorious day.  I was getting some great shots and having a good game.  However I did feel a slight twinge or light pain in my shoulder so I left the pool a bit early to sit in the hot tub.  Problem solved.  After the game & hot tub, I went over to the Palms Cabana for lunch & music.  Then it was time to head back to the RV as we had agreed to play bridge in the afternoon with Larry & Judy.  We played a while & decided to go out for Larry’s Birthday dinner.  We went to Los Vaqueros Mexican place just across the road.  I had the Taco salad with shredded beef & Sheila got hers with shrimp.  We came back to the RV to finish off our bridge game; Sheila came out on top - again.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Fri Mar 29 Day79    57F/14C @ 9AM,    64F/18C @ 9:45AM,    81F/27C @ 1:30PM

If anyone has been noticing the temperatures I’ve been posting you will notice that our morning highs are about the same as overnight temps at home but during the day the temp goes up a dozen or more degrees whereas at home there seems to be only a couple of degrees or so difference between high & low. It cools off nicely at night for sleeping and warms up fast during the day.  Today in the pool we had 9 players a side mostly and had a great game, lots of volleys as people kept the ball going back & forth.  I had lunch at the Palms Cabana, they had Datillo’s restaurant but they only had one guy playing guitar who was a cross between dull & insipid.  I ate & came back to the RV.  Sheila went out shopping with Judy while I sat in the sun by the RV reading & relaxing.  Sheila got back around 5PM, we used the Forman Grill to make supper and then I headed off to the shuffleboard building for the Friday night games.  Sheila R & R’ed in the RV and I returned about 9 to do the same.