Sunday, April 7, 2013

Sat. Apr. 6 Day 86   59F/15C @ 9:15,   71F/21½C @ 2PM

Today they have the classic car show and a craft sale.  I went up for Volleyball while Sheila checked out the Craft Sale.    They either didn’t have a bake sale or sold out, (Sale started at 9 AM, Sheila got there around 10:50).  We played girls against boys again today, 8 men against 10 women. The men seemed to get more serves than the women so we won.  After the hot tub we had lunch at the Palms Cabana, (Anchor Pub & Restaurant) listening to Angela sing until 2 PM.  We split a Cobb Salad because they’re huge! Then it’s back to the RV to do some packing up etc for Monday morning’s departure.  I took down the awning and did the tire check on 10 tires.  Then, it was off to Winco for groceries & Kerns fruit juices etc. to take home. While I was out, Sheila had a short nap before getting our supper ready.  After supper, I was feeling tired so I lay down.  Sheila found a movie - Pride & Prejudice - on TV, so she’s watching it while I finalize our route home with options for overnight stops on MS Streets & Trips.


1 comment:

  1. Hope your drive back is safe and uneventful! We look forward to seeing you guys soon - the kids keep asking if you're back from vacation yet. =) I've given orders to Baby #3 to stay in at least til then!
