Saturday, April 6, 2013

Thurs. Apr. 4 Day 85    62F/16½C @ 9AM,   80F/26½C @ 1PM,

I went up for the game in the pool. Sheila still not back to normal, she arrived about 11:15 & played till noon.  She said that was enough to tire her out.  Back at the RV we made lunch for us & Larry, (Judy had to fly home yesterday due to a Family emergency).  I went out right after Water V.Ball and & bought a lemon meringue pie which we used as a birthday cake since it’s Larry’s birthday today, he was born on the 4th day of the 4th month in’44.  Afterwards, the three of us went to see “Oz the Great & Powerful” in 3-D.  It was a very enjoyable movie, though probably would have been just as enjoyable in regular format.  We came straight back to the RV instead of going out for supper because both Larry & myself were still full from lunch.  It must have been that extra slice of lemon meringue pie we both had! Sheila is getting a bite to eat, and then she is going over to Larry’s RV to watch the premiere of a new show called “Forever Young” that he taped for her.  (I’ve seen the trailers and--no thank you!).  Sheila thinks the concept on “under 30's” and “over 70’s” trying to live together & accomplish tasks together is a good one.  She says the show would have been better done as a situation comedy rather than as another reality show.

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