Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Sat Mar 30 Day 80   60F/15½C @ 9:15AM,  62F/16½C @ 10AM,  77F/25C @ 12:30PM 

Off and away to Water Volleyball on another glorious day.  I was getting some great shots and having a good game.  However I did feel a slight twinge or light pain in my shoulder so I left the pool a bit early to sit in the hot tub.  Problem solved.  After the game & hot tub, I went over to the Palms Cabana for lunch & music.  Then it was time to head back to the RV as we had agreed to play bridge in the afternoon with Larry & Judy.  We played a while & decided to go out for Larry’s Birthday dinner.  We went to Los Vaqueros Mexican place just across the road.  I had the Taco salad with shredded beef & Sheila got hers with shrimp.  We came back to the RV to finish off our bridge game; Sheila came out on top - again.

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