Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Fri Mar 29 Day79    57F/14C @ 9AM,    64F/18C @ 9:45AM,    81F/27C @ 1:30PM

If anyone has been noticing the temperatures I’ve been posting you will notice that our morning highs are about the same as overnight temps at home but during the day the temp goes up a dozen or more degrees whereas at home there seems to be only a couple of degrees or so difference between high & low. It cools off nicely at night for sleeping and warms up fast during the day.  Today in the pool we had 9 players a side mostly and had a great game, lots of volleys as people kept the ball going back & forth.  I had lunch at the Palms Cabana, they had Datillo’s restaurant but they only had one guy playing guitar who was a cross between dull & insipid.  I ate & came back to the RV.  Sheila went out shopping with Judy while I sat in the sun by the RV reading & relaxing.  Sheila got back around 5PM, we used the Forman Grill to make supper and then I headed off to the shuffleboard building for the Friday night games.  Sheila R & R’ed in the RV and I returned about 9 to do the same.

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