Friday, March 29, 2013

Thurs Mar 28 Day 78   52F/11C @ 9AM,  74F/23C @ 12:30PM,  76F/24½C @ 2:30PM

We had a great game of water volleyball, enough people have left that we only had one pool playing with 22 players.  After the game they had Tom Racobs playing at the Palms Cabana but no restaurant serving food, so I went back to the RV, made a sandwich and returned to listen.  A bit after 2 PM I went back to the RV because today’s plan is to go to El Patron for Happy Hour at 3 PM & then to see the movie “The Call” with Halley Berry.  Our usual Thursday Happy Hour place - Emilio’s - was reserved for a big party.  The Margarita’s weren’t quite as cheap as Emilio’s, $4.20 for Sheila’s strawberry Margarita which she said was very good and there were no free appetizers, but they had ½ price appetizers, so we ordered the El Patron sampler to split, it was 4 each of 5 different items and we almost ate it all, (it was huge!).  It would have been a great deal at $10.99, but it only cost $5.49.  We left in time to make the 5:10 PM movie start.  I really liked it, Sheila found it a little too suspenseful, we both liked the ending.  When the movie got out it was too late to make the Mexican Train Dominos game at the RV Park so we just came home and watched TV.

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