Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Tues. Mar. 12 Day 62   50F/10C @8:15AM,  68F/20C @10AM,   80F/26½C @12:30PM

Today we are off to 7 Hills Golf course for the Breakfast Club.  Returned, changed & I was into the pool for the game by 10:30—Sheila a bit later.  After the game Larry & I left GVP about 12:30 to drive down to the Costco in Temecula, (it’s about 21 miles), to pick up the desserts, about a dozen assorted pies & cakes, for Tuesdays Fun Club St. Pat’s Day event.  We got them stored in the club house fridge just in time to go to the Volunteer appreciation event starting at 3 PM.  GVP puts it on for all the people that volunteer to help at, and run, the various events and activities.  They had wine, beer, premixed Margarita’s, lemonade, pizza & salad, plus they had ice cream bars for dessert. They also did a draw for prizes donated by various merchants. We didn’t win anything, but Judy did—a $10 gift certificate for the local Coldstone Creamery.   At the end they announced we should finish up &/or take home any leftover pizza, & finish up the liquor, I have almost a full pizza in slices in the fridge!  Another announcement they made was that GVP came in number 17 out of 7,000 RV Parks, partly because of the activities and support of volunteers for events & programs.  Finally back to the RV where it is a nice 79F/26C at 4:30.  No need for supper, I’m full of pizza.  Sheila is out again for some small item to do with decorating, I’m sitting under the awning reading my book, trying not to fall asleep.  We plan a lazy evening in the RV, tomorrow will be busy.

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