Thursday, March 21, 2013

Sun. Mar. 17 Day 67 St. Patrick’s Day 47F/9C @ 9:30AM,  52/F11C @ 10:30AM,   67/19½C @ 12:30PM,  70F/21C @ 1PM,  71F/21½C @ 4:30PM

This morning was overcast with a thin cloud cover.  However, before 10AM the sky had cleared, the sun was beaming down and it was warming fast.  Into the pool for our game, then the hot tub and back to the RV for lunch.  After which, we played bridge with Larry & Judy on a table outside their RV under the awning, it was nice & warm and a great afternoon. We finished bridge about 5 then Sheila & I headed over to the Elks Hall again for the Sunday afternoon, (4 to 7) dance music & dinner. Sheila wears her knee brace & we danced the fast ones, but separately so there no chance of me turning her & twisting her knee. They had the ‘Marge Kell Trio’ who were great, playing lots of the good old stuff.  For the 50/50 draw they actually did a 50/25/25 split.  They sell 10 tickets for $5.00.  The same person won both 25’s, about $35 each.  While we were there, Sheila asked if the Elks might be interested in cooking the corned beef for Fun Club’s St. Pat’s dinner next year.  She was given a phone number to call about it after April 1st.  Sheila was feeling hungry so she ordered their corned beef & cabbage dinner so we could taste the corned beef their kitchen produces.  She brought some back for Larry & Judy to try also.  After dinner & a few dances, it’s back to the RV again for the evening.  Sheila watched the “Red Widow” mini series show; you already know my opinion of the show. 

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