Thursday, March 7, 2013

Tues. Mar. 5 Day 55    47F/8C @ 8:15AM,  60F/15½C @ 9:45AM,  68F/20C @ 2:30PM

We went off with Larry & Judy to the Breakfast Club at the Earlybird Café. They meet at 8:30 which means we have to set an alarm--amazing what we will do for food, -  but only once a week!  We got back to GVP in time to make it to water volleyball.  After the usual hot tub session we had lunch at the cabana listening to our favourite performer Larry Stevens until 2 PM.    After lunch, Sheila & Judy went out shopping for St. Pat’s items, while I did R&R, reading, computer stuff, nap in the RV.   Sheila got back around 5 with 2 giant cinnamon buns from Polly’s Pies. We had supper and went out to “Silver Linings Playbook” which Ken had seen & recommended.  After we came back home for more cinnamon buns, (they even had included a cup with extra icing for the buns), and to watch “Body of Proof” on TV.


  1. Sounds like Sheila is doing much better if she's having cinnamon buns! =) And I don't blame you, I'd wake early for good food, too, especially if I don't have to cook it.
    I'm surprised there are any St. Patrick's Day items left in the stores near you, isn't that the 4th trip out to get stuff? =P

    1. Yes and they are still going out! They are kind of figuring it out as they go. But the stores are on the last of their supplies
      Love your comment, but we will have to watch ourselves - - We didn't realise you were inventorying our trips!!!!
      Glad you are reading & enjoying the blog. :-)
