Monday, March 11, 2013

Sat. Mar. 9 Day 59   54F/12C @ 9:30,   55F/12½C @ 10:15 and still @ 12:30

It’s a bit milder today so I went up to the pool for the Volleyball Game.  We had a full pool, (24 people), just after I got there so we split into the other pool as well.  Sheila eventually arrived and we had a good game.  After the hot tub I went out with Larry & Judy to the Costco in Temecula to drop off the pie & cake order for our Wed. St. Pat’s event & have lunch there.  Sheila stayed in Hemet & went out to get her nails done & do some shopping.  We all got back 4:30 more or less and then we all headed out at 5:30 to Emilio’s Mexican Restaurante for Sheila’s birthday dinner.  Sheila & Larry split a pitcher of Mango Margarita’s.  Sheila & I had the flan dessert.  It was very good-- we put it at a 9+ on our scale of great flans, (the flan at Chevy’s being a 10).  The food was very good & the prices fairly reasonable--$10–14.00/meal.  Tonight we turn our clocks back & go to Daylight Saving Time, which means our 10 to 10:30 start in the pool is now 9 to 9:30; the days better warm up fast! 

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