Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Mon. Mar 25 Day 75    59F/15C @ 9:15AM,  62F16½C @ 10AM,  80F/26½C @ 1PM

Another beautiful day, so up to the pool for the game.   There was no music & no restaurant today.  It was supposed to be El Patron restaurant. So after the game & hot tub, it was back to the RV for lunch.  I guess I’m not 100% as I felt really tired after lunch and had a lay down for a cpl hours, no symptoms of anything, just tired.  Sheila went out & did a bit of grocery shopping.  After supper, I went over to the Monday night cribbage.  Sheila stayed in to watch “Dancing With the Stars”.   There were only 11 people so when I won I got $4.00. Then back to the RV to watch Castle with Sheila.

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