Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Sat Mar 2 Day 52      74F/23C @ 10AM,   82F/28C @ 2:30PM, 

Sheila is feeling closer to normal this morning.  She did some research and she thinks she had a “Norwalk” virus which is a winter viral flu thing that lasts for up to 48 hrs.  She is off to water volleyball this morning, she really enjoys it, if she does nothing else she will do that.  After the game & hot tub I just sat out in the sun for a while, then we went to the cabana for lunch & to listen to “Angela” sing, I think she’s tied with “Tom Racobs” for our second favourite entertainer.  At 2 PM, they cleared the cabana area for the afternoon Beer Fest. For $12 you get bratwursts and all the beer you can drink for 3 hours, different types of beer too. The other alcohol-related events – the wine tasting, liqueur tasting, (Sheila went to that one), and the whiskey tasting have all been free,  plus you get free wine & cheese every Friday at the welcome reception, plus they usually have free wine at the various entertainment events here.  Despite all the free booze, we’ve never seen anyone really drunk—I guess by the time they reach our age, they’ve learned how to monitor & control their drinking even though they don’t have to drive home!  This afternoon Sheila & Judy went to see the “Identity Theft” movie while I was relaxing at the cabana & around the pool.  Even though the movie was a bit ‘over-the-top’ in places and predictable; they both enjoyed it because of the great acting of the two main characters—Jason Bateman & Melissa McCartney.   I came back to the RV to sit in the lounge chair Larry loaned us, read, & enjoy the nice afternoon.  When Sheila came back, she & Judy had bought a Lemon Meringue pie and suggested we do up burgers on the Foreman Grills we both have & eat outside.  We had a nice supper followed by Bridge in their RV with a dessert break for pie.  Sheila & I walked up to the ballroom to see what tonight’s dance band was like – One Too Many – Sheila though they might be a bit too loud, (what else is new!!!).  Today she looked up her knee problem on the net & there was a suggestion to help it – get a flotation device and go into a pool and run but without your feet touching the bottom.  She tried it and said her knee felt really good after 5 min. of running.  She’s going to try to do that daily in the hope it will strengthen her M.C. ligament and speed up the healing so she can dance again!

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