Saturday, March 16, 2013

Thurs Mar 14 Day 64   65F/18½C @ 9:30AM,  85F/29C @ 1PM,  88F/31C @ 2:30PM

Still sunny and very hot!
I was tired this morning and had a backache.  However, after an hour & a half playing volleyball in the pool, plus the hot tub soak I feel much better. Sheila woke up extra early, 8 am, (probably because she went to bed extra early last night), got up and took a load of laundry to the park Laundromat, after breakfast here, she transferred it to the dryer and managed to get in 40 min. of water volleyball.  For lunch in the RV, I finished the last of the leftover pizza, and Sheila had the leftover roast beef, and then we went out to Emilio’s for the regular water volleyball ‘group & friends’ Happy Hour from 3 to 5.  Driving to Emilio’s @ 3 PM, the car dashboard thermometer temp say it was 34C/93F outside!  We stayed for the Mariachi band at 5:30.  They are really good & animated; they clown around and are a lot of fun.  After we left, I came back to play Mexican Trains & Sheila went to the RV, but had to stay outside for awhile as I had turned off the air conditioning when we went out & it was 88F/31C inside when she got back at 6:30!  After 45 min. with the air conditioning on, it was finally bearable & she was able to go inside and do some things.  I won one of the 3 rounds of Mex Trains so won my quarter back.  I came back to RV to relax & join Sheila watching TV.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, crazy temps considering it hailed not that long ago!
