Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Sun Mar 3 Day 53   Happy Birthday Sheila   71F/21½C @ 10AM, 

Sheila regressed a bit.  She woke up with an upset stomach and diarreah at 2:30 AM.  She took some Pepto Bismal which worked after awhile, so she got back to sleep by 4:30 AM.  She’s still sleeping at 10 AM so I will be off to the pool shortly.  It is cloudy today but nice & warm. When I came back from the pool, Sheila was feeling better.  Today is laundry day, plus Sheila needs to go to Wal-Mart to return some water shoes, she purchased that don’t work.  (They sell shoes down here specially for wearing in pools so you don’t slip on the bottom, a lot of the Volleyball players use them). We put the laundry in & headed to Wal-mart, then a nearby dollar store for Sheila to look for more St. Pat’s Day decorations, then finally home to put the laundry into a dryer & have supper.  By then, Sheila was totally exhausted again.  She just had a light supper of soup as she thinks yesterday’s lunch of a half a pulled pork sandwich and then a supper of a burger and salad was too much meat too soon, causing her upset stomach last night.
Just in case anyone actually noticed, I had two Day 46’s so I have changed my journal.  The blog will stay as is and appear to skip a day. Sheila wasn’t up to going out for lunch or supper, (we’ll celebrate her BD another time when she’s back to normal) so, we had supper in and spent a quiet evening watching the premiere of “The Red Widow” on TV. I am not impressed and will not be following it, - I cannot relate to a show where the “good guys” are a bunch of drug smugglers & the “bad guys” are worse drug smugglers.

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