Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Sun. Mar. 10 Day 60     56F/13C @ 10AM,   60F/15½C @ 10:30,   70F/21C @ 1:30

Daylight time has arrived along with some warm weather so it’s not cold at 10AM which was 9AM yesterday. We had enough players to do 2 pools again.  After the volleyball/hot tub sessions we sat at the Cabana where there was a Bailey’s Martini and Irish coffee session.  The “Martinis” were Bailey’s, Irish Whisky & coffee.  Sheila had two – hold the coffee.  Walking back to the RV I ran into Graeme & Joanne Jarvis, (I worked with Graeme at Customs), just arrived at GVP and parked on our street.  As an example of the weird weather down here this year, they said it snowed in Phoenix in late Feb. and that was the first snow they’d had in 24 years!  After lunch, we spent the rest of the afternoon playing Bridge with Larry & Judy at a table outside their RV.  It was nice & warm & there was no wind.  After that, Sheila wanted to go out to the local mall to return something to Claire’s & we wanted to check the March schedule at the Elks Hall, so we stopped for a drink & to listen to the Marg Kell Trio.  I allowed Sheila one waltz, after which we stopped at In & Out Burger for supper--they have quite good burgers.  Then, home for the evening to do journal, expenses and watch TV.  I discovered we are almost out of Propane so I went up to the office & put in an order for a delivery tomorrow.  It’s great that the propane truck fills my tank at our spot and the charge per gallon is the same as going into the filling station which is a rigmarole what with having to unhook, take down the awning etc.

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