Friday, March 1, 2013

Thurs Feb 28 Day 49   56F/13C @ 9AM,   67F/19C @ 10:20AM,   76F/24C @ 1:30PM

Sheila got up but was feeling a bit off so she skipped Volleyball.  I went up & played almost 2 hours then hot-tubbed for 20 min.  Had lunch while listening to music, today it’s Tom & Carol Racobs, I think they are second best next to Larry Stevens.  Larry & Sheri Stevens were having lunch at the cabana so I sat with them; his next day to play is Tuesday. I arrived back at the RV around 1:30 to find Sheila lying down on the couch.  She was still feeling sick and had been quite sick all morning starting just after I left, so she is resting/sleeping on the couch.   She sat outside in the sun for a bit but basically just stayed quiet. I went out for some groceries & got her some “Airbourne” pills to take with water. Tonight I will go to the Mexican Trains games while Sheila rests & watches a couple shows we have taped that she didn’t see yet.  Well, I won one of the 3 rounds so I got my quarter back.  Back at the RV & Sheila is feeling a little better. She hadn’t eaten anything all day but in the evening managed some chicken broth and a toasted muffin.  So today we got no movie, no Happy Hour at Emilio’s, and no supper out; however the weather was beautiful.

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