Friday, March 22, 2013

Thurs Mar 21 Day71   60F/15½C @ 10:15AM,  72F/22C @ 12:30PM

We had another great day in the volleyball pool.  Home for lunch & chores and to rest up from all the activity of the last week or so.   Sheila finally had time to wash the RV floors.  She said she thinks they were the dirtiest they’ve ever been!  We went out to Emilio’s for the 3 to 5 Happy Hour with the volleyball crowd & Larry & Judy’s friends.   Sheila found it a bit cool at the restaurant, (their AC was working too well!)  so, after one Margarita,  she ordered a hot tea with a side shot of Amaretto to warm up.  An expensive option—it cost $8. for tea & shot, as compared to $3 for a large blended Margarita.  However, when you factor in free hors d’oeurve, (an 8 in. plate of nachos piled high with shredded chicken, cheese, tomatoes, sour cream & olives), it’s still a hell of a deal! Tonight at GVP it is Mexican Train night for me while Sheila is going to stay in to watch TV.  (Actually she napped while I was out.)  I won one of the 3 rounds so got my quarter back – again.  Each night I have been first or second in one of the sets of 3 games each, the most you can win is a whole 75 cents!  Actually the first & second out of 6 players per table wins a quarter. 


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