Saturday, March 9, 2013

Wed. Mar. 6   Day 56  Mostly sunny.  59F/15C @ 10AM,   64F/18C @ 1:45PM

The weather today was better than forecast. It was actually quite warm in the sun and was not cloudy like the forecast said it would be.   I played Water Volleyball for the usual time, 2+ hrs., Sheila joined for the last hour then we both had lunch at the Cabana.  The entertainers today were ‘Janet & Gerry’.  We were not impressed, they were way below the quality that usually perform and that is considering over half a dozen performers.  Back to the RV by 1:30.  Sheila & Judy cleaned & checked out some party tablecloths we were given, and then went shopping for more.  I did my job list – clean mirrors, vacuum rugs & wash lino – that took maybe half an hour or so, then I relaxed in peace & quiet & read until it was time to get supper ready.  After supper, we attended the second GVP Talent Show. There were 8 contestants this time, all singers except for a couple who were bagpipers – they were from Blind Bay, which is in the Shuswap area.  Sheila was disappointed that Debbie Toovy didn’t win as she writes & sings her own material & composes & plays the music to accompany it. She was far more talented than the lady who did win.  After the show Sheila asked Larry & Judy to stop by to discuss more details for the St Pats day Fun Club event we are helping to organize.  Then we watched TV for awhile before turning in. 

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