Thursday, March 28, 2013

Tues. Mar. 26 Day 76    48F/9C @ 8:15AM,   62F/16C½@ 9:45,  62F/16½C @ 9:45AM,   67F/19C½ @ 10:30AM,  74F/23C @ 12:45PM

We set our alarm so we could get up to go to the Tuesday morning Breakfast Club at Earlybird Café this week.  After we got back we went up to the pool for the daily volleyball game.  We only had one pool today, (22 players), as some people have already left the park heading for home.  There was also no music or restaurant at the Palm Cabana.  They may have cut that back to Fri/Sat only now, as people leave, we shall see.  Sheila decided we should go see “Life of PI,” so we went off with Larry & Judy for the 2 PM show.  My opinion is that I wasn’t bored, but I wasn’t thrilled either.  If I had missed it I wouldn’t have been upset at all!  Larry & Judy share my opinion.  Sheila, on the other hand really liked it.  She liked the story, & loved the scenery, animals & background music. She said it’s easy to see why it won so many awards at the Oscars.  After the movie we went to the “Hibachi Grill & Super Buffet” for the second time, and Sheila enjoyed it even more—the food is so-o-o fresh & tasty!  I counted the food tables this time.  They had 6 double steam tables each at least 10 feet or more long, plus a sushi station, a carving station with ham & beef, an ice cream area with 6 tubs of different ice creams plus the Mongoli Grill area.  We came home, dropped Larry & Judy off for their Pinochle game this evening, and we will watch TV.  Daylight time is starting to take effect nicely; it is sunny & bright till 7PM now.

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