Saturday, March 23, 2013

Fri Mar 22 Day 72 54F/12C @ 10:15AM,   70F/21C @ 2PM, 

We slept in so missed the Fri. morning breakfast here.  We did get to water volleyball around 10:30, (10:50 for Sheila) and played till noon.  Larry Stevens was playing at the cabana but no restaurant was set up.  Fortunately I had some granola fruit & nut bars so that was lunch while I listened to Larry.  Sheila went out to get a haircut in the early afternoon.  We have a happy hour to attend at Graeme & Joanne Jarvis’s site this afternoon at 4 PM.  It went on to close to 7PM.  Sheila left early, (6:30)  to get ready for  the “Muzic Tastings” starring “Slim Man” which was to start at 6 PM.  “Slim Man” is apparently very well known in jazz circles, he has 11 CD’s out.  I joined Sheila later.  He was backed up with a drummer, keyboardist and sax man Rodney Taylor.  They are all excellent musicians but it is not a type of jazz that I like.  I’m into Dixieland jazz.  After 3 or 4 numbers I left, Sheila stayed.  It was all free, supported by Crater Vodka who had a cash bar for their products. There were a lot of people there, it was well attended so he certainly has fans or at least fans of jazz.  They were even dancing to music that, to me, had no beat, no melody and was not danceable.  But I’m an old fogy so what do I know.  Sheila said she enjoyed most of the numbers—some more than others, but was surprised it was as loud as it was.  She had to use ear plugs, AGAIN!!

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