Friday, March 1, 2013

Fri Mar 1 Day 50      65F/18C @ 9AM,   72F/22C @ 10AM,   80F/26½C @ 2:15PM

I went up to the pool for the game and Sheila came later.  She was feeling a lot better but didn’t want to exert herself too much.  After the game & hot tub session we had lunch listening to the music & singer Rob Robertson. Back at the RV Sheila had a rest & I went out for our supplies.  I know we seem to be running to the store every 3 or so days but RV fridges don’t hold that much and we can never manage to run out of everything at the same time.  In the late afternoon, Sheila worked with Judy to inventory the decorations & supplies that were in storage to see what we need to buy for the St Pat’s day event.  The 160 tickets sold out within a cpl hours.  After supper tonight I am going over for the Shuffleboard games, Sheila says she is not 100% yet so will relax in the RV for the evening.  I won 50 cents at shuffleboard so got half my entrance fee money back and had a fun evening.

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