Saturday, March 9, 2013

Thurs. Mar. 7 Day 57   Light rain 50F/10C @ 10AM,   56F/13C @ 12:30PM

It is lightly raining this morning so I will wait until 10:30 or so to see if it stops so I can go up to the pool for the game. Well, at 11:15 it is 54F/12C, it has stopped raining, there is not even a whisper of a breeze and it feels nice so away to the game.  Sheila came about 15 min. later.  We ended up with 7 to a side, (5 on a side when I arrived). After hot tubbing, we came home for lunch. Then, we drove over to the Mega Liquor Store on State St. so Sheila could get the wine & beer for our door prizes at the St. Pat’s Dinner. After that we headed to the Regal Cinema on San Jacinto St. to see the movie, “Argo”. The movie was good, a lot easier to understand what was happening than “Zero Dark 30” was. We ran into some people from GVP who were at the same movie.  We stopped at Pollo Loco Chicken for a quick supper, then made it home in time to set up recording the evening’s shows and then get to Mexican Trains Dominos.  We both won one round so got our quarter back -- a free evening!  Back at the RV, we watched the shows we recorded.  Late at night it started to rain.

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