Saturday, March 9, 2013

Fri. Mar. 8 Day 58    48F/9C @ 9:30AM,   55F/12½ C @ 10:30,   46F @ 5:00  PM 

It rained most of the night then stopped & the sun came out through scattered clouds in the morning.  As it seemed to be clearing, I went up to the pool about 10:45.  Sheila followed about 20 min. later.  When I arrived, Pool 1 was full, so 12 people split to the other pool and left 12 in Pool 1.  We had a good game, (with the warm water you didn’t really notice the cooler air unless you stayed standing up for a while).  Five min. before noon it started to sprinkle, so we all got out to put our towels etc under shelter—then, as the rain increased, we headed into the hot tubs. And then it started to HAIL! It was warm enough in the hot tub, but you felt it on your head if you didn’t have a hat.  It stopped after about 5 min. and some people, (the smart ones), got out & headed for the showers.  Less than 5 min. later, it, the HAIL, started again, even harder & continued for more than 20 min.!  It seemed to slow down somewhat so I got out & headed for the showers as did Sheila & Judy a bit later.   By the time I finished changing, the rain/hail had stopped.  I made lunch in the RV, and then we went next door to Larry & Judy’s RV to play bridge.  It rained again for most of the afternoon.  When we got back to the RV, the temp was in the mid 40’s F, (6 or 7 C).  Tonight is Shuffleboard, which I go to.  Sheila went out to set up a nail appt. & do some shopping for us.  Then she will do some work on the decorations for next Wednesday’s Fun Club event.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, wouldn't have thought it would get cold enough to hail there at this time of year...
