Thursday, March 21, 2013

Wed. Mar. 20 Day 70    60F/15½C @ 9:30,  72F/22C @ 12:30,  74F/23C@ 1:30,

I was up to the pool a bit after 10 AM as it was nice & warm & sunny.  As usual, Sheila was about 30 min. behind me.  After the game, we came back to the RV to get ready for the Water Volleyball Happy Hour.  Every year we have a giant happy hour with everyone involved invited.  Don & Karen held it this year at their RV site.  Fortunately the site across the road from theirs was empty so they had the food at their site & we set up our chairs there.  Don & Karen made up some Male/female humorous awards, such as “One Most Likely to Hit the Ball to the End of the Pool, Latest to Arrive, First to Leave, Most Likely to Get Someone Wet,  Most Likely to Go Under” etc. I won one for “Quickest Serve”.  It’s a cute little ‘silver’ trophy cup with a little yellow ducky glued on top.  Sheila was sorry they didn’t have a Most Improved” category as she figures she’d have been a “shoe-in” for that.  As she says, when you start as a Klutz—there’s nowhere else to go but up!  It was a cute idea & hopefully will be continued next year.  It all started about 2 and went to 4 or so, when many of us had to leave to get ready for the “Spud Night” starting at 4:30.  We had a table of 8 organized and we stayed till around 7:00 listening to a few people sing Karaoke.  Two of the people singing were Judy & their friend Victor.  Judy & Victor did a duet—Sonny & Cher’s, “I’ve Got You Babe”.  Victor sang 3 more on his own.  He has quite a pleasant voice and the duet was very pleasant also.  Finally back to the RV to catch up on TV and relax, we were both tired, even though it was an early night.   All these fun & games are exhausting!!!!!     

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